need help with checkbox

I want to use checkbox to select some products to compare but the checkbox is always coming in uneditable state. need help in usaging checkbox 
3 answers

Cross check the access for boolean attribute, which you want to use it in checkbox widget.  And inside which view you are trying to place the checkbox  ?


I am using Listview and the attribute is boolean.


Hi varun,

Not sure where/ when you faced this problem.

- If you faced it while building the screen in modeler, then check the General Editable setting of the list view where you placed the checkbox.


If the General Editable setting is set to ‘No’ then the Checkbox you placed inside the List view  will be non editable. If this is the case change the Editable setting to yes. This will solve your problem.

- If you faced this problem in the application then you should check the access rule of the specific boolean in domain model.
