Error in path should contain at least one step while using BootStrap MultiSelect Dropdown

I havea data view and under that a list view of content entity. Under the list view I have to create a multi select dropdown for Content-MultiContentName. For multiselect dropdown I am using BootStrap Multi Select widget from appstore. Below is my Domain Model. For configuration of BootStrap Multi Select below is the screen I am not sure what other configuration I need to set for the multi select drop down. I am getting below error Help at the earliest will be much appreciated.   Regards, Amit Sharma
3 answers

Hi Amit,

Please refer my answer for the following (for *-* association)

For selecting the multiple objects through self reference, you have build a custom logic with the helper object.

That helper object (ContentHelper) can be connected with your Content entity with 2 association, 

  1. ) 1 to 1 association with Content (to have a helper for every content)
  2. ) * – * association with Content (for multi-selection)

Use new data view inside your Content object with microflow as datasource returning the ContentHelper Object (create/retrieve activities)

Configure the BootStrap MultiSelect Dropdown inside the new dataview ContentHelper (by using the *-* with Content objects)



Hi Amit, as Ananthi’s answer suggests, your domain model needs to look like this to use the Bootstrap MultiSelect:

You need to have a BaseEntity with a reference set that points to SelectableThing. When you’re selecting items from the dropdown, the items you select will be stored as references in this reference set.


the path should contain at least one step is mean like we need to select the reference entity of an association made of M-M or of 1-1, which gives references to have the selectable values on to it. 
