Is there a widget to send all logged in users a message or a quick way to do it not using a microflow timer on each form.

Hi There, Is there a widget to send all logged in users a message or a quick way to do it not using a microflow timer on each form. I want to send all the logged in users a message to let them know the system is going down. We have a standard down time every second Monday but need to push quick fixes through. There was a similar ticket 6 years again, has anything new been created to do this since then? Regards, Patrick 
3 answers

Hi Patrick,

Interesting question. I have never built anything like this.

If I had to make something like this I think I would look in the direction of Pusher:

In addition, Austin McNicholas wrote a very clear blog about the use of in 2019. Perhaps this can also help you further:

Good luck!


Hi Patrick, 

I can see two options:

See if this appstore module is of any use to you:


We have some similar setup with us. But we have two apps. 

  1. One actual product which users will be using
  2. Another app which is like a control app for us (internal team)
  3. We did this because, we have lot of production instances of the same app (mentioned in step1) and do not want to set messages 1 by 1 in all production instances.
  4. When we want to push any message, we create that message in the controlling app and push it to our product (all production instances)
  5. Showing of messages is handled in layouts. 
  6. So where there is a new message available and user navigates to another page (page refresh must happen to show the latest messages) then message will be shown to the user



Interesting to see other's takes on this. I'd probably still go for the microflow timer in a layout, or alternatively send an email or text message to the logged in users. There are modules and plugins for that.
