Keep conditions in search bar on Data grid/ List view

Hello, I’d like to keep search conditions in Data grid/ List view search field  once user input  search conditions,so that user don’t need to input same information again and again. Can I develop this requirement with search fields that Data grid/List view has? Thank you in advance.  
3 answers

Hi Risa,

AFAIk this is not possible out of the box with Mendix. What you can do is use some javascript and cookies to store this information. 

Hope this helps!


In addition to Andrej's answer, if you don't want to use javascript, you could model something for this. Creating and storing a 'filter object' per user and using this in a microflow to retrieve de data you wish to show, will achieve something similar. You can set the microflow as datasource for your widget.


Hi Risa,

You might be in luck with the Listview Controls or Grid Search widgets from the appstore. In my experience some of the search fields  ‘remember’ your search parameter when navigating back.
