AnyChart widget Unexpected token in JSON error

Hi, I am using the Anychart object to build some simple charts but keep getting the error as shown below, I tried multiple examples from the plotly website Error message: Unexpected token v in JSON at position 4 SyntaxError: Unexpected token v in JSON at position 4 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at Object.t.getData (http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/AnyChart/AnyChart.js?637348994916306061:17:112133) at t.renderChart (http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/AnyChart/AnyChart.js?637348994916306061:17:3049) at t.render (http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/AnyChart/AnyChart.js?637348994916306061:17:2958) at ca (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:65448) at ua (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:65243) at Ns (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:99313) at xs (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:83663) at ws (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:80695) at ds (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637348994916306061:62:78210)   plotly Data (source: [{ values: [19, 26, 55], labels: ['Residential', 'Non-Residential', 'Utility'], type: 'pie'}]   I tried mutiple other JSONs from the plotly examples like the one below ( [ { type: "indicator", mode: "number+gauge+delta", gauge: { shape: "bullet" }, delta: { reference: 300 }, value: 220, domain: { x: [0, 1], y: [0, 1] }, title: { text: "Profit" } } ]   I keep getting the same kind of error message: “Unexpected token X in JSON at position Y”.   Thank you, Seb
1 answers

Did you see this documentation: and this cheat sheet:

I can not pinpoint you directly what you are doing wrong here but the cheatsheet examples worked for me when I put them in.


