Call Javascript action on button click error

Hello All, I am getting below error while I try to call javascript file for displaying progress bar on button click using a nanoflow. Please help, any advice would be useful   An error occurred while executing On click at PSXCCommitment.CommitmentSearch_View.actionButton1: JavaScript action was not implemented Error: An error occurred while executing On click at PSXCCommitment.CommitmentSearch_View.actionButton1: JavaScript action was not implemented     at http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637356653640333623:73:274096     at ye (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637356653640333623:35:9155)     at r (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637356653640333623:35:9051)     at m (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637356653640333623:40:138208)   
1 answers

Hi Sonal,

From the error it seems that some particular action have been missed while configuring your nanoflow. Can you send the screenshot of your nanoflow and also the properties snapshot upon button click. Try checking have you called your nanoflow upon the button click event ? 


Please check and revert and if this resolves the issue please mark the answer as accepted. Have a nice day !



