Issue with Multi-Select Grid Search and Slide In Slide Out Widget

Hi, I have a table (Data Grid) with more than 50 columns. Our customer wants to display all information on one big table. To filter the DataGrid, I am using the “Grid Search” widget since it is powerful and does what I need. I realized that the widget owner uses the “Slide-In Slide Out” widget to demo the filters. It is an excellent way to make the user filter a massive table by giving the option to open a Sidepanel with all the filters needed.  So far, everything is working well, except for the “Multi-select” feature of a “Dropdown – Dynamic.” First, to give you an impression, this is how the sidebar and Dropdown with Single-Select look like: Now when I try to use a multi-select, the dropdown is not appearing on the UI. But when I look at the HTML code in the browser, I can see that it is loading the items and the dropdown. So it seems for me to be a display issue, maybe to fix with CSS. But I don’t have any clue how to fix this. Can anybody help?
1 answers

Hi Omer,

Check the z-index value in mx-dropdown or dropdown-menu class.

