Using a Reference Selector for multiple items on the same page

Hello,  I am currently trying to use a reference selector on an order form that I am creating. I need to select items from the same entity and designate quantities for each of them, all the items are objects in the same entity, however when I select a value in one reference selector, all others auto fill with the same data. How do I get each to function individually so all the values can be unique on the form.  Thank you in advance
2 answers

Sounds like an unorthodox order entity. Usually, the order’s items are stored in a separate entity with a 1-* association for order-orderitem. Your version has a self-reference. Can you share a screenshot of your domain model?

The reference selectors on your page probably refer to the same association. Which causes them all to change, when you change one.


Hi Alex,

As Tim mentions you need a orderline entity 

Instead of a single reference selector, you need reference to multiple products. But in a reference you cannot store a additional information, like the quantity etc. So you need a entity in between, in this case orderline.

How to create the right pages and references, please take a look at this learning path:

Maybe starting at the very beginning of this learning path will be even better to understand the Mendix basics.

