Change graph axis data type

Hi everyone, I am making a program with a bar chart in the main page. This is reading data from channels using API which are numerical. Thus when I try to put in a chart the x axis is quantitative (numerical) instead of qualitative (categorical).   However, I just want it to show the string values on the x axis. For example, the first one would be “1156780”. However its showing as 1.15 million. There is a gap between the data too as its numerical.   I have tried changing the data type to string but it has no effect. Here is my domain model. as you can see, the rackchannelG is a string but it appears as a quantitative data. Is there anyway to fix this? Or should I be using a different type of graph for this purp
1 answers

In the widget advanced tab, put this json:

"xaxis" : { "type" : "category" }

Make sure the advanced configuration is set to advanced, not basic. 

