How to use File Document Viewer Online

Hello everyone, someone knows if there’s a way to use the widget File Document Viewer ( offline? Thank you!
2 answers

Do you mean offline hybrid or a native app?

For native this component is in the appstore: 

For offline hybrid i don't see a solution and don't expect any solution soon, because of Mendixs stategy to move away from phonegap and towards PWA. Mendix is in the middle of this transition and i think will not invest in phonegap solutions anymore.

But maybe someone else already has a solution, i am curious.


Hi Michiel,

first of all thank you for the answer! I am using offline hybrid. 

I hope someone has edit the wdiget from code so the widget can be used offline, or maybe someone has created a widget from zero that uses some pdf viewer library (like pdf.js).

Hope is the last thing you lose.
