Using Pluggable widget for Web and Hybrid Mobile Apps in Mendix Native Mobile App

Hi, I have a pluggable widget developed for “Web and Hybrid Mobile Apps”. Now I want to use this widget in Native Mobile App with offline capability. I want to know if there are any issues in using pluggable widget developed for “Web and Hybrid Mobile Apps”  in Mendix Native Mobile App. Is it recommended to use this widget in Native Mobile App or do we need to develop a separate widget for Native Mobile App?    
1 answers

You have to create another widget since the Web widget is based on React, and the Native widget is based on React-native.

The javascript logic can be the same (so re-used), but the big difference is the rendering. React-native doesn’t understand html elements (div,article,...). React-native uses the elements View, Text,…

Also a big difference is the styling. In web you can use CSS or SASS but in native you can only use javascript styled objects.
