DropZone_widget_DropZone_0.onError Upload canceled.

I get this error "DropZone_widget_DropZone_0.onError  Upload canceled.” and selected files are not uploaded in the Dropzone widget. Below are my screens: The Dropzone widget is enclosed in a dataview with  below source microflow:   Widget settings:   MF_OnSelectFile: MF_CreateSelectedFile What am i doing wrong? Edit: The issue was with the Configfile Datagrid which has been rectified.
2 answers

In the 2nd tab (Settings) in the widget, is defined wich kind of documents are allowed. default this are only image files.

If you make that field empty all file types should be allowed, and then at least the upload should succeed.


Does the user have ‘create’ rights on the entity ConfigFile? And your Dropzone should be in a dataview of SerialItem I think if I'm reading your domain model and config of the widget correctly.
