Show specific Tab in the end of a microflow

Hi,  I have tabcontainer with 5 different tabs. Each tab has a button inside which calls a different microflow. In the end of each microflow I want to go back to the page and show the tab where the user was before.  Currently I am using a show page in the end of my microflow but this reloads the page and opens the first tab. How can I define the tab I want to show in the end of my mircoflow?
4 answers

You can use my TabSwitcher widget for this. Make sure the tab container is put in a data view which is fed by an entity which has an integer attribute, called something like ‘tabPaneIndex’. Make sure the widget is correctly connected to the tab container on your page and listens to the tab pane index attribute. For all the microflows you mentioned, in the end set this tab pane index attribute to the correct tab pane you want to show and the tab container should update correctly showing the wanted tab panez


If you start your microflow from within a tab, and expect the user to stay in that tab, you don’t need a show page, because you are allready showing the required page (tab)

Perhaps after the logic is done in the microflow, just a refresh of the shown object(s) in the client is good enough.


Hi Thorsten,

You can make your tabs into separate pages and style the buttons to navigate in such a way that it looks like tab navigation. This way you can make logic page specific.


Thanks David,

I thinks it works already for me. I just forgot to refresh all the objects.

