MendixSSO 2.1.1 and Mendix Studio 8.14.1 -> The Administator user cant create new users

Dear All,   Currently  I am facing a problem with an app where we configured the MendixSSO 2.1.1 module using Mendix Studio Pro 8.14.1, when the user administrator is trying to create new users using the User Management from MendixSSO. the first issue is the administrator can’t assign a login Name the field is unable, the second issue is when the administrator is trying to assign a role, the system doesn’t assign the role selected by the administrator to the new user and the error message that the console show me is:  “com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Applying change for 'System.UserRoles' of object with id '26177172834091910' (MendixSSO.MendixSSOUser) failed for security reasons. No read access for changed member.     at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.helpers.StateHandling.$anonfun$addChangesToState$4(StateHandling.scala:126)” I checked the permissions that administrator role has to access to MendixSSO entities but it doesn’t work fine, I have modifyed it to full access to read, write and delete but the result is the same it doesn’t work fine.   Have Someone of you had the same issue?    Thanks    
3 answers

Hi Srilatha M,


I left the same permission.

 but in the  project  security / UserRole in the administrator role I ticked the (No user roles) and now it works fine,


The admin user created the user1 and assigned the role submitter without problems now. and the user1 logged in and works fine

Thanks for your support


Are you sure Admin role is added for SSO module under project level security ?


Dear All,


I added all full permission to Administrator role to MendixSSO entities, but the final result is the same, the administrator user can’t create new users.

