Share button

Hello, I want to add a share button to my app. Click on button will allow user to share information on gmail, linkedIn, facebook etc.  I try to use share button, but i got this error: Error: dojo.require and dojo.provide are not supported in Mendix 7. Please, use AMD style for custom widgets.  I am using mendix 8.14 and i am guessing it’s not supported. Does mendix as any other widget for this, or other suggestions?  
2 answers

The share buttons widget has not been updated for long time. So most likely it won’t support the latest Mendix versions. At the moment, I guess you will need to implement your own solution. Each platform like facebook, linkedin has API’s and documentation on how to use the share functionality. So with combination of JavaScript snippet in Mendix and REST Calls, you can implement this. Or maybe just set on click of share button to a microflow and in that microflow implement REST call to that particular platform. Google around and you will easily find some solution. Just integrate it with Mendix. 


There is a Share action in NanoflowCommons that might meet your needs.
