How to achieve Chart dependency when filtering a Data grid

Hi everyone, i have a question regarding chart functionality. In my app i have the following issue.   When filtering for a year, week or role in the data grid below, it has no effect on the chart. The chart is nested inside of a dataview with the non persistent entity “Dashboard”. Do anybody have the same issue or maybe have a good documentation / idea how to achieve a behaviour to show only the filtered data in the chart?   Thanks in advance for your help Greets Oskar 
2 answers

Hi Oskar,

I don't see a simple way to achieve the exact functions you are referring to but did you notice that you can filter out data by clicking on the items in the legend of the chart?

And you may be able to achieve something by putting the chart in a dataview that listens to the grid.

Maybe that still give you leads into how to achieve something similar.

I hop this helps.



Hi Oskar,

Were you able find a solution for this question?

I am currently having the same issue. I have a Data Grid filtered by month and a Bar Chart.

I need the Data Grid to be the source of the Bar Chart, should everything be on a Data view?

Thank you in advance.
