Widget cannot change value of an attribute

Hi All, I’ve built my own widget that on certain events, changes few attributes on the context object. My widget is placed inside a data view which has nanoflow as its data source – the nanoflow creates the needed object and returns it. The widget is configured to modify selected string attribute, limited and stored. Data view is editable and the widget is set to require context entity.   When the widget tries to set value to the attribute, following is reported: ReactNativeJS: Widget MyFirstModule.Home_Native.notificationHandler1 is attempting to change the value of attribute "serialNumber" of entity "Notifications.CustomNotification" which is not available.   Any ideas on what is missing?   I am using Studio Pro 9.0.2.   Regards, Paulina  
1 answers

Does your user have access to that attribute?

Did you add that attribute later?

Did you clear the Make It Native app



It seems it did not update correctly. If you remove the app and install it again, does that help? 

The native builder UI will update the version code for you, making sure the app runtime detects the model changes. But if you build with the same version info, that update will not occur.
