Populate drop down with data from API call

Hi, I want to populate a drop down with data from API and then when a value is selected from the drop down, I want to display it below the drop down.  I am actually trying to display the names of employees that is retrieved using API and then be able to select multiple values from the drop down which should be displayed below the drop down. These values will be later stored in a database. I should also be able to delete the selected values. Can anyone guide me on which widget will best suite?    Thank you. 
2 answers

Use a reference selector and a microflow as the source.

Retrieve the data via the rest call, associate the records to the object showing the reference selector.

The data retrieved could be set in an NPE entity and then on change create the persitent record and set the association.

Could be one approach.


This is my REST call.

I am able to retrieve the data as a list.

I get the above screen when I try to add data to my reference selector.

This is my domain model. The NPE Employees is the entity where the data from API is being retrieved into.
