Displaying associated data in tree view

Hi All, We have a requirement to display associated entities data in a tree view. For example a customer can have many projects and a project can have many quotes. I tried evaluating the below two widgets from app store. TreeView – https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/112707 – I believe the TreeView widget can display hierarchial structure of data contained in a single entity and not associated entries. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. TreeView and GridView – https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/294 – This widget can display associated entity data in tree view structure.   I proceeded further with TreeView and GridView widget. I am able to render the associated entity data in tree structure.  I am running into one issue specific to displaying the selected node entity details. Has anyone tried to have a dataview listening to this widget TreeView and GridView. When i select a node i would want details to be displayed without disturbing the tree view. Please let me know.   
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