Does Mendix support real time chart/graph updates

Hi, i am currently doing a school project which requires me to set up a dashboard with informations such as speed meter, current meter, voltage meter and live gps map navigation. I am wondering if mendix have the feature of doing live updates of information?  If there are, are there any resources i can refer to for reference? What widget to use and so on.   FYI, i have a database that holds all my live results for the GPS, speed, voltage and current. So I am pulling data into Mendix using the data connector. My concern is to know whether Mendix support my needs and if so, how do i do it? 
2 answers

Mendix does not support live data-updates by nature. But there are ways to get near-real time behavior.
The most common is the use of the AppStore app ‘Microflow Timer’. It provides you with the option of an update on a set interval.

And there is one option that gets a real live-update: streams. Andrej Gajduk wrote an article about. I never got to creating an app using it and can not find it anymore.

Also have a look at the pusher, paid service, that triggers a microflow or nanoflow upon object-change.

Of the same sort, but native and free, probably your best bet: Push Notifications Connector

Good luck!



Okay thank you! I got it!
