How to create a product list by selecting multiple products?

Hello Team, I am working on product management system. The user should be able to send a request for multiple products. A list should have multiple products and user should be able to select multiple products at a time using checkbox or any other widget. Please suggest some widgets where I can select multiple products at a time or how can i use checkbox for multi select option? Also how can I consolidate the selected products and show it to user?
3 answers

I have used Bootstrap multiselect widget from Market Place. And in my case I have tied the selected list to Purchase Order(my context entity of page) entity using one to many relationships.


Hi Kalyani

A simple example would be the "Account_New" page in the Administration module which has an Input Reference set selector for selecting multiple User roles.

The "Userrole_Select" page is a datagrid with a Select button which does the job of multiple selection:



Anyone tried it using checkbox?

Please suggest.
