Datagrid 2 doesnot appear as expected

Mendix Version – 9.0.5 I am using Datagrid 2 which is compatible with 9.0.5. I tried to add the Datagrid snippet provided in the module. Its having 4 columns and their ilters. But it appears as shown below. Why does it appear like this and not in a grid format? What can be done here to have dataGrid look and feel. Is there any examples of the same? Market place doesnot have the right link of github source repo.   Any help is appreciated. References:   
1 answers

Did you follow the module installation / troubleshooting instructions regarding Atlas?

2 - If you are receiving an error while using the module about: `Can't find stylesheet to import` or no styles are being applied please install Atlas UI 3 module from the AppStore and download this file ( and unzip it into your project folder. If you have custom styles, follow the new atlas structure to keep it working.

3 - If you are using Atlas 2.x, please replace the line 3 with the following code in the file theme/settings.json:

"cssFiles": [

Looks like a astyling issue to me.
