Calendar Configuration

I’m trying to configure the calendar widget. I have the following data model with a many to one relationship between event and project     I then have this data view   Finally, I have the following configuration    This however leads to a warning and I can’t figure out why? Am I configuring things correctly? What do I need to change? I just want to show all the events for a specific project in the calendar.  
5 answers

Switch a) ‘Data source’ from ‘Database’ to ‘Context’ and b) ‘Event entity’ to ‘MyFirstModule.Project’. That is probably all you need to change.


Have a look at their demo app and at the code itself. That might give you an answer. Unfortunately, the latest development is of 2019 so don’t expect the world on interface. Did they come up with another widget?


Hi ,

This error depicts to have same entity in both calendar widget and as well your dataview


Does anyone have an example of a working implementation?


Hi, the following works for us, with some small remarks:

- changing language to nl-nl does not show everything in Dutch, some button labels remain English

- we need to specifically set the default value for AllDay to true otherwise the title contains the time component in it


When user clicks empty date, the New mf is triggered that will bring up a new editable page to fill the details.






guys first one you create object on this specific event show on and then go to the entity property and choose add new object and then choose calendar microflow  add

 new calendar $using this symbol
