What does Mx9 check to determine if a widget is compatible?

I am doing some test migrations to see what breaks in Mx9. Now we have this printscreen widget in our app: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/27069 But it is giving this error message: Version '1.0' of the 'PrintScreen' widget is not compatible with this Mendix version. Update the widget with the latest version from the Marketplace. Now I have no problem with tinkering with this widget to see if I can get it working again. But for that I need to know why it gives me this message. Anybody a clue what needs to be changed in this widget? Regards, Ronald  
1 answers

Hi Ronald,

I remember having this issue when Mx8 came out. I think this is due to the version that is selected in the AppStore when the widget is uploaded. A quick fix is to change the version of the widget in the package.xml file so it mismatches the AppStore. 

I used 7zip to open the archive and edit the file. 

and then I changed the version to 1.1 (in the client module line)
