I’m using the basic bar chart widget and I’ve got it to successfully produce a chart showing percentages of people that have passed a training course on the x axis, and the name of the course as the Y axis. However I would like the bar chart to be vertical, rather than horizontal. I’ve tried to make this change under the ‘Data Points’ section under Edit Series Item but it won’t let me select the course title as the X axis. All I see when I click on the ‘Select’ button is the following: If I click select for my x axis I see the following: But if I hit ‘select’ for the Y axis I see the following: My question is; why don’t I see both options when I select the x axis value and how can I fix this? I can’t see the full course (abbreviated) name when it’s on the Y axis, due to space constraints. #frustrated P.S. My Mendix version is 8.18.5, but that option isn’t available on the drop down of Mendix Studio Version.
Nick Wilson
1 answers
I found the answer: Use a Column chart not a Bar Chart if you want the chart to look this way!