How to add external .js files and node_module dependencies
Hello Mendix Team, I have an application, which runs on the local web server. On the images are listed files and dependencies, which should be added to the Mendix vie Pluggable Web Widget: 5 rows from index.html, 2 JS files, css file and node_module “monaco-editor”. What is the simplest way to add this files to the server? Thank you in advance! With best regards,
Mikhail Erushev
2 answers
When you completely make a pluggable widget with yo command, you can able to npm install another third js party into pluggable widget. However you need convert the monaco-editor index.html to reactjs component.
Quang Nhat Tran
Hi Mikhail,
you have to place the external js file inside theme folder in your project directory and you have
call the same external file in index.html as script tag!!