Script error in Google Analytics

Hi there ! I’m trying to implement Google Analytics, but when I try to open the app, I got a blank page, and 6 times the same error in the logs : “scriptError: http://localhost:8080/widgets/GoogleAnalytics/widget/MasterPageTracker.js?637582313259126074 Error: scriptError: http://localhost:8080/widgets/GoogleAnalytics/widget/MasterPageTracker.js?637582313259126074“ / “Loading module failed! Check console log for more detailed debug information.”. I also have a “Cannot read property 'getTrackId' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTrackId' of null” after startup… Here is what I’ve done : I created a snippet containing a layout grid containing a dataview (with a microflow returning current user), containing the MasterPageTracker ; The MasterPageTracker is configured with the UA code defined in Googla Analytics (old “UA” version, not the new “GA” version 4 one, as it seems the mendix plugin supports only the old version), and the “Name” attribute of the current user I added the snippet to my TopBar layout, before anything else  Mendix 9.1.1, Google Analytics plugin 3.3.5 Environment : local Any idea ?
4 answers

Check the browser’s console log (F12, Imspector) to see if any messages are there to shed some more light on this mystery.


Not very useful ...


And in Studio Pro



Ok, here is the explanation : the adblocker considers the script as “dangerous”, and obviously blocks them.

The adblocker I used is “” in Chrome.

It’s possible to get everything working by disabling the adblocker, but of course you would have no guarantee that your users won’t face the same issue → Mendix support has an open ticket to fix this is further versions (

