Chart Widget error

I am creating a reporting dashboard on web portal. I want to use some of the charts on my page like line and column. However, I keep getting this error "404 - file not found for file: com.mendix.charts.json" and the charts that appear on the screen show no data. I also get these two warnings: "DEPRECATED: mx.baseUrl. Use mx.remoteUrl + "xas" instead. -- will be removed in version: 10.0" "DEPRECATED: logger, use mx.logger instead -- will be removed in version: 11.0" I have updated my charts widget but this issue still remains which makes me believe its and error on the modeler. Kindly advise on how to fix this. If you need any more details please let me know
2 answers


It’s deprecation error logs. which means that the chart widget is using some commands that will be removed in the version 11. You can ignore this.


Try to re-import / download the widget again? 
