Changing existing properties in design-properties.json (native)

Hi,  I'm updating my project from Mendix 8.18.6 to 9.2.0 and also updating Atlas 2 to Atlas 3. I followed all the steps but I still have a problem with the design-properties.json. For the text widget the color option “Contrast low” dissapeared. In step 2.4.4 of the Migrate Atlas 2 to Atlas 3 docs is explained to add custom design properties to a module theme resource. My first small question is: is it possible to create design properties project wide and not for only one module?   My question to solve my error is: How can I change existing design properties? My error is with dynamic text. The following code is from design-properties.json in atlas_core. "DynamicText": [ { "name": "Color", "type": "Dropdown", "description": "Change the color of text.", "options": [ { "name": "Paragraph", "class": "textParagraph" }, { "name": "Disabled", "class": "textDisabled" }, { "name": "White", "class": "textWhite" }, { "name": "Black", "class": "textBlack" }, { "name": "Brand primary", "class": "textPrimary" }, { "name": "Brand success", "class": "textSuccess" }, { "name": "Brand warning", "class": "textWarning" }, { "name": "Brand danger", "class": "textDanger" } ] } ]   I want to have “Contrast low” as an option for color but when I try to overwrite it by adding the following code to themesource/your-module/web/design-properties.json* I get many errors to the complete module. "DynamicText": [ { "name": "Color", "type": "Dropdown", "description": "Change the color of text.", "options": [ { "name": "Paragraph", "class": "textParagraph" }, { "name": "Disabled", "class": "textDisabled" }, { "name": "White", "class": "textWhite" }, { "name": "Black", "class": "textBlack" }, { "name": "Brand primary", "class": "textPrimary" }, { "name": "Brand success", "class": "textSuccess" }, { "name": "Brand warning", "class": "textWarning" }, { "name": "Brand danger", "class": "textDanger" }, { "name": "Contrast low", "class": "textContrastLow" } ] } ]   When I add the class to Atlas_Core design-properties.json, it works but of course that is not a good way of working. How can I change existing design properties? Or is the only option to add a new custom property next to the Color property to add my Contrast Low?   Thanks, Kolien
1 answers

I don't know if this is the only problem, but in your edited json, there is an extra comma that shouldn't be there:

