Maps widget gives: Failed to retrieve a location for the provided address

I get the following message at the maps widget with an address input. How can I fix that?   Failed to retrieve a location for the provided address: Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21 Amsterdam Cannot read property 'geometry' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'geometry' of undefined     at http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637619378684513202:20:223151     at async http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637619378684513202:20:222773     at async Promise.all (index 0)     at async fs (http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637619378684513202:20:222716)   Thanks!
3 answers

There are two things that needs to be correct:

  1. In Mendix, the widget should be configured with ‘Show Advanced’ ON, and ‘Google Maps API Key’ filled in. So you have 2 times the api key configured in your widget.
  2. In Google Cloud Platform enable the ‘Maps Javascript API’, ‘Geolocation API’ and ‘Geocoding API



In Google Cloud Platform for Google Maps, you can verify if your api key is configured in a right way with the ‘Address Selection Solution’.
With this flow you can lookup an address, configure the plugin as you want (for example; the autocomplete functionality also needs the Places API).
If you finish the form with ‘Export starter code’ you will get an popup that shows if your key is correctly configured


Hi Marlin, I have the same problem right now. same error message.

My API key works and the GoogleMap is displayed, but no location marker is displayed when I use "Addresses".

However, if I use "latitude & longitude", the marker works.

Have you been able to solve the problem in the meantime?


I have the same issue however I am using MapBox:


Failed to retrieve a location for the provided address: CountryName
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'geometry') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'geometry')
    at http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637...
    at async http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637...
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async Za (http://localhost:8080/widgets/com/mendix/widget/custom/Maps/Maps.js?637...)


Have also tried Geocoding with my API Token through a https call and works fine. As advised by Marc the Lat and Lon markers work fine.
