Save and close a select page using on click instead of a save button

Hi there, I am using a select page for a Reference Selector. The user should be able to search and then select the specific Customer to set the association. Standard, it seems that it is required to select an object in the list view and then click a ‘Save’ button to set the association and close the page. When I try the save changes on click action in the listview, Mendix gives me the following error:   Is there an easy way to save and close the page by only clicking on the specific object?  Thanks!
2 answers

Hi Koen


You can create an MF with the following actions to save and close the page. 


Good luck!


Hi, you could probably set the save button onclickaction to call a microflow instead of save changes. The microflow then gives you freedom to do whatever you want. Cheers!
