Is it possible to send a email each time a feedback item has been created from the widget.

Hi All Is it possible to send a email each time a feedback item has been created from the widget. We would like to send a email to our support team each time a feedback item is created as some of our clients are using feedback for operational problems that need to be looked at Immediately.   Regards, Patrick  
2 answers

Is this something that is maybe configured on the Cloud Portal?  I’m also wondering if Mendix 9 still use the same feedback widget as Mendix 7?  Or has it been upgraded?


App team members with a role that includes the permission "Can edit ‘Stories, Documents and Feedback’." will now receive an email notification when a new feedback item is submitted. If you add the support team (account) to the App Team, your support team will be notified each time a feedback item is created.
