Passing data generated from microflow to a save button

Hey guys,   I am developing an edit page, where there is a list of entries inside (generated by a microflow) which I want to pass down to the save button. However the list is within the data view and I am not able to store the variable on the page and use it for the save button. Is there any way how I can achieve this?   My page looks something like this: data view with entity some attributes from the entity list view (list of other, non permanent entity generated by microflow) button to toggle a value in the non permanent entity button to save, where I need the list of non permanent entities (passed to a microflow)   Thanks, Patrick Kühn
2 answers

Make a helper reference so that each button toggle sets this reference. Then in the save microflow retrieve those objects over the reference and do your stuff.




And for non persistent objects you could set the reference to the user session. Then you can retrieve the objects again by using the user.


If you associate the NP objects created in the list to your data view entity, you should be able to do a simple retrieve using your data view entity in the microflow after the save button.
