Excel Importer

Hi, I am getting console error while creating new template from Excel file using excel importer. 
3 answers

Make sure your file values are consistent with the fields you’re mapping to


for example: if you’re mapping a decimal value like 1.2 to an integer field.



Stuck in java-errors you often get a lot of text and no help at all. Retrace your steps, undoing what you did last. If that does not help, start over step by step re-creating the Excel import template.


Looks like incompatible jar file for the excel importer. I could only answer based on some assumptions. But to be precise, need some more information like list of jar’s in your project library

- Apache POI jar is already included in the list of jar files

- When adding Excel Importer, it might have added another Apache POI

- But the jar file with exact method with in the class that is required for Excel importer is not loaded in the runtime resulting in NoSuchMethodError.

- Check your userlib folder for ‘poi’ jars. If you find more than one, then you might have to delete unwanted jars

- Or alternatively you can try to lower version of ExcelImporter that is compatible with your available jar
