I have a problem with de constructor of a widget

Hello I ‘m trying to create a GanttEditor widget in mendix 8.18.10 but when using it in my application it gives me the following error "No constructor found for widget gantteditor". I do not understand why it is giving this error.
1 answers

Thank you for clearing that one out for me, Antonio.

First of all, follow these instructions Build a Pluggable Web Widget: Part 1 - Studio Pro 9 How-to's | Mendix Documentation and Build a Pluggable Web Widget: Part 2 (Advanced) - Studio Pro 9 How-to's | Mendix Documentation in order to get acquainted with the issue.

Your class needs a con structor, so if I understand correctly: your .tsx file has a class, preferably you extend this class with Component<YourProps>. Your props (.d.ts-file) export an interface with the properties you desire.    

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

