Progress Bar missing css files

Hi all, i'm currently using the progress bar widget from mendix. the widget is working fine, but with loading of the app i get the folling error: the file needs to be added to ..\deployment\web\widgets Since this is the deployment map, just adding it there would not resolve the issue, because it would get removed after a new build.   i know you can add files to deplyment by putting them in the resources folder, but that would not be the right location. Is there a way to add files to the widgets map? or is this an issue that needs to be resolved in the widget itself?      
2 answers

Hi Reinier,

Did you manage to resolve your issue? I'm facing the same problem.


Hi Reiner, good day!

Do you know which version of the widget you have in your project? Did you try updating the widget from the Mendix Market place?

Please provide the above to help providing resolution thanks.
