ActiveMenuSelector widget issue while Upgrading from 9.1.1 to 9.5.1
Hi All, I am using Active Menu Selector ( widget to highlight the Navigation Icons and also the Count Cards( Snippet). where if the user clicks on either(Navigation Icon or Snippet) then Both associated Icon and Snippet is Getting Highlighted. (Let Say I have 4 Snippets(A,B,C,D) on the home page and also 4 Icons for Navigation(A,B,C,D), If I click icon A from the navigation, then snippet A also getting highlighted and vice-versa.) But After upgrading it from 9.1.1 to 9.5.1 I am facing an issue which says:- “Error: Xyz.Xyz.activeMenuSelector1: Error while applying context Error: Xyz.Xyz.activeMenuSelector1: Error while applying context TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_menuItemMap')” I have gone through where it says:- Please advise me on this requirement. so I can use Active Menu Selector/ similar widget accordingly. Thanks In advance, Ankit
Ankit Kanth
1 answers
Hi Ankit,
I had the same problem and I found here ( that there was a new release for Mx 9.5 and above. So if you download the new mpk, then it should be work. Success!