Hi Bela ,
I just found out that the problem only occurs when you create the Event on $ViewType.Week. or $ViewType.Month.
To solve this Problem I did the following: First I changed the ViewType on Action IVK_Change Microflow to Day --> $viewType.Day
Check out the photo below,
I hope, this may help you
On Localhost it was working well but on Prod Server the bottom Event will disappear when the top Event is changed
But if you change the bottom Event without changing the top
This will keep them well
This can help solve half the problem
To solve the other half of the problem
I did the following first, I checked the events list if there is a bottom Event, then I do that on Action_EditEvent Microflow, see the Image below
Note that you have to do this everywhere by changing the Event
and also when creating Events
Event list Xpath :
[StartDate>=$ChangeAction/StartDateTime and StartDate<=$ChangeAction/EndDateTime and id !=$EventOreginal/id and AxSchedule.Event_Employee = $EventOreginal/AxSchedule.Event_Employee]
Looks Like the Scheduling Widget is a Fork of the not anymore maintained react Widget:
GitHub - StephenChou1017/react-big-scheduler: A scheduler and resource planning component built for React and made for modern browsers (IE10+)
The Issue is already present in the Original Widget with a slight hint in the API:
We need to pass in the Events in Ascending Order otherwise, the widget will have problems.
TL; DR Solution: Sort the Events Ascending on their StartDate before passing it to the widget