How pluggable widget detects changes

Hi everyone,  It is an assumption that the pluggable widget knows when the relevant entities configured by datasource changed to re-render. But I want to know a bit in details how it happens.   If my datasource, a microflow, return list of Employees of Company. Company is ContextObject. So when an Employee added (by me in same session or by someone else in another session), how does it know that the new Employee is relevant to Company to send to client? Re-run the datasource? Do I have to refresh Company here to re-run the datasource?   Same setup, if I refresh Company (context object), is it true that all datasource of widget will be re-run?  If a datasource is re-run, all results will be sent to client or somehow only one with changes?  What is the different between refresh a non-persistent object in nanoflow and in microflow?  Thank you,   
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