To implement a feature to make a dropdown visible based on the item selected in the another dropdown

There is a dropdown that has few items in it to select. Based on the item selected in the first dropdown, the second dropdown should be visible.  And Both the dropdowns draw data from two different entities and are placed on the same page under the same data view.
3 answers

If the regular visibility based on expression is not working, you could add a visibility flag to your object in the dataview. Show the second dropdown based on that flag.

If the first dropdown changes, execute an OnChange microflow/nanoflow that recalculates the visibility flag and refreshes the data view object. This will toglle the visibility on the second dropdown.



Are the drop downs enumerations?  Or are they associated entities?  If you are using enumerations, this is straightforward:

  • open the Properties window of the drop down whose visbility is conditional
  • in the Visiblity section, click Edit
  • in the Condition for Visibility popup, choose ‘based on attribute value’
  • select the enumeration values which should result in the second drop down being visible

If you are using associated entities, you’ll need to select ‘based on expression’ and create an expression to control visibility.

Hope that helps,



If you are using reference selectors you could trying using Constrained By. There’s an example of how to implement in the Mendix docs for two dropdowns.
