Report grid is deprecated and removed on version 9. Is there going to be some new systems for easy OQL based reporting on version 10? We are currently working on a project which requires quite some reporting and I personally find OQL quite simple tool to get the data, but having to create non-persistent entities for all reporting needs: Clutters domain model Takes more time I would like to also use a future proof solution, so the question stands, what is the tooling for reporting after version 9? Should I stick to report grid and trust that there will be a replacement with simple conversion or what would be the recommended way at the moment? Also I don’t like to UX of creating OQL’s in microflow compared to datasets.
Jyrki Keinänen
2 answers
I agree with Jyrki.
I hope somebody at mendix can answer this question.
I've got several applications that use the reportgrid.
Peter Dorsman
We understand your concern. Indeed with Mendix 9 reporting is deprecated and is planned to be removed with Mendix 10. We have every limited usage of the feature, and it uses outdated technology. Most users use our charts and/or data grid (2) or other reporting tooling. We definitely want to improve how to work with data, and plans for that on roadmap, but no ETA unfortunately.