Question on the usage of html snippet widget to call html script that can play AWS Kinesis video

Experts,        I have a need to play the AWS Kinesis video stream in the mendix app using the HLS live stream URL. AWS provides us with the html script for this purpose. I downloaded this and copy/pasted this in the contents field of html snippet widget. This script requires few inputs like our AWS credentials, playbackmode as “Live or On Demand”, Start and end time stamps and the stream name etc. Just for the testing purpose, I hardcoded these values in my html script and called this in the mendix app through the html snippet widget. When I hit the play button, nothing happens. I added a bunch of console.log statements in the script, but I do not see any of those logs being printed either on mendix console or the browser one. The same html script when I run it directly on the browser (tested it on chrome and edge), it works perfectly fine.       Below is the snapshot of the html when directly loaded on the browser and you can see that the video plays on the playback screen.      Wanted to check with the experts, if I am doing anything wrong here?     As I mentioned I just added the html snippet widget in my app and configured it as below:       Want to know why the script does not work on the app? Anything else that I have to do to make it work? Appreciate your inputs.
1 answers


I see you have as Content Type HTML selected, to be able to use scripts you should select Javascript as Content Type. Setting this to Javascript still renders the HTML
