Displaying External Dashboard into Mendix

Hi I am currently using a Mendix Add-On called “RGraph Gauge” and it is displaying data (handling data such as Temperature, Humidity) but I need to manually refresh the page in order for it to show the latest data. I basically want a display that will update itself based on the latest data and someone suggested that I do the dashboard externally and then get Mendix to call that website. I am using Thingspeaks which already have widgets that can be easily linked to the data I have in there. Is there a way for me to call the website link to display the gauges/line charts onto Mendix?
2 answers

You can maybe use an iframe to display the data using the HTML snippet widget.



  1. You can use microflow to call REST Endpoint to get data & use Microflow Timer to refresh the data.
  2. You can use Iframe to embed the external dashboard or widget.
  3. Customize the widget & integrate the data fetch & refresh logic