How to use AutoCompleteForMendix or an alternative for searchable drop-down on attribute?

I’m using AutoCompleteForMendix to provide users with a searchable dropdown for selection associations like this: This is working as expected. And – after some slight styling changes to match existing widgets I’m all set. But then I realized this is only designed for replacing reference selectors – which I believe are only for associations not attributes. This would make sense considering the documentation states: “This widget is a wrapper for the Select2 plugin allowing a user to filter the options displayed in a dropdown when setting a reference association.” I would like to provide my users with a consistent UI so I was wondering if anyone knows a way to use this widget for entity attributes. If not do you know of any other searchable drop-down widgets I could use for attributes? Here are some additional screenshots of the AutoCompleteForMendix settings:
2 answers

Hi Kara,

Can you share the Autocomplete for mendix screen shot.I want to see the code .


Try this one:

It's fully customizable
