How to refresh Pluggable Widget for its attribute type with Microflow?

Hello Forum, I would like to ask one implementation method for my question about Pluggable Widget.  I am currently finishing one Table with Paging functionality in Pluggable Widget mode, where the table will read the following property from one Entity that I defined as input data in JSON format.  And, the important is, for the Entity I set up its data source from a Microflow where I manually created that Entity and used the data from other place (using REST-like way) to fill it up.  So now I am facing the problem - that I want to click next page to retrieve more data. But, how can I use ReactJS code of Pluggable Widget to let my Entity retrieve the data again by that Microflow?  Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Just noticed that can import this mxui.js into the project 

And then use to trigger Microflow from Client side

However, anyone knows of that how to use the stuffs that in mxui.js after importing to your ReactJS app? 
