Constrain Timeline widget to 2 weeks with scroll container

Hello,  I am trying to use a timeline widget (add-on) to show a months worth of events. However, I would like to constrain the view to be only a week or two so that the page does not need too much scrolling. I tried putting it into a scroll container, but no matter how I configure it, it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas are greatly appreciated! Thank you. 
2 answers

The timeline widget has a custom format – and I tried putting it into a scroll container. When I run it, it shows no scroll bar and the entire timeline, making the page very big. 


You can constrain the xPath (for example with only tasks of created in the last 2 weeks) by using the following syntax:
You might need to update it to your own attribute

[createdDate> '[%BeginOfCurrentDay%] - 2 * [%WeekLength%]']