Focus when closing a pop-up window

Hi. I want to make sure that when I close the popup window, the focus is not on any part of the screen.   The current behavior is as follows. <Step 1> Open the screen. <Step 2> Click the New button. <Step 3> Close the pop-up window. <Step 4> The New button that you pressed in "Step 2" is in focus.   Is there any way to make sure that none of the widgets get focus in Step 4?
2 answers

I think you can accomplish this by setting the 'tab index' property of every focusable element on the main page to -1. This will cause the widget to be skipped in the tab order.

Have a look here for more info on this (3.2)



I think this might work: 

In the closeMicroflow You could do a showpage of the overviewpage and set close pages to ‘all’ (if you have mx 9)

If you don't have mx9. You should use a close page action and then a show page of the overview page.
