Scheduling by MxAppFactory - Change headerDateFormat

Hi all, Recently I downloaded a widget from the Marketplace (Scheduling by MxAppFactory) and all is working pretty fine. I just struggle with changing the headerDateFormat in the properties of the widget. See the header below (in green). I would like to change the format to just the number of the day (1,2,3,4,5 etc).   In tab “UI”, I found the below property. Allthough it doesnt seem to work? And I dont know which date to put in to format?  Any thoughts on this? Do I misunderstand the purpose of this property? Or is it not working? These are the objects which are available in the widget page. View/Date is a date attribute, but its used for another purpose (first screenshot in blue). Let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks for your time! Regards, Tim
2 answers


I solved my problem by changing "SchedulerWidget.js" in the Widget by following the steps below. (I am Japanese, so I changed "headerDateFormat" in Japanese.)


1. Change the file name from "mendix.SchedulerWidget.mpk" to "".

2. Extract "".

3. Open the "mendix>schedulerwidget" folder in the extracted folder.

4. Open "SchedulerWidget.js".
5. Search for "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat" and replace it with "日曜日_月曜日_火曜日_水曜日_木曜日_金曜日_土曜日".
6. Close "SchedulerWidget.js.
7. Zip together the contents of the "mendix.SchedulerWidget" folder.

8. Rename this Zip file to "mendix.SchedulerWidget.mpk
9. Finally, add it to the widget folder of the project file and you are done.


Thank you for your clear answer and instructions!
