why template grid & data grid widget are not supported on native mobile

  Hi all, Why template grid and Data grid widget is not supported on the native mobile apps.? Can anyone tell me in detail.    Thank You  
1 answers

Because these to widgets are for webdevelopment and are one of the oldest widgets in the Mendix toolbox.

At this moment the Datagrid has a precedor Datagrid 2, which servers the needs of 2022 far better.


Secondly: Native = Mobile = Smaller view port.
Besides the fact they are not compatible; having a grid view on your mobile view port …. I’m not a UX expert, but I would not even consider using them. As its bad UX

Solution: use the listview icw layout grid to create columns. A header can be created by adding a layout gri with the same distribution above the listview and style it a header.

Note: doing above; you might end-up with a challenging UX 
