Datepicker show icon only

Good afternoon,  I am using datepicker widghet in my phone web app, I need to show only the icon, when the icon is clicked, a calendar can dwopdown.  I don’t want to show the date inside the input field. I foun two answers, but it did not work with me. either it will disappear completely with icon. (for sass, I am using Atom, Calypso)   there are the ways that I tried:  .mx-compound-control input{ display:none; } .form-control { display:none; } or even changing bg color & color, width…. . yes, I played a lot with inspector.    Am I missing something or doing something impossible?  please tell me how can I do it? I am working on it since a week but still could not get it.    sincerely,   Enwer
1 answers

Yes that is possible. Which one? There are several datepicker available in the marketplace.

With the bootstrap datepicker it looks like this:

in that case, this will hide the input, but still show the datepicker-icon:{
    display: none;

To prevent every input-box in your app getting hidden, add a classname to the properties of the datepicker in Studio Pro and wrap the above styling in it. So:

    display: none;

